Collecting Hat Themed Cigarette Cards

Hat themed cigarette cards are a fun way of collecting hats without the usual storage space issues and costs involved. For fun, start with a hat box to keep them in!

Cigarette cards can be bought on eBay, Delcampe, HipPostcard and auctions for very little cost. You can collect individual cards from sets that feature hats or go for the whole hat related series.

The best way to get started would be to buy a mixed selection then put the sets together. With a bit of research you’ll soon start finding plenty.

Some cigarette card series

Look out for these vintage cigarette cards series…

  • 1931 Military Head Dress by John Player – Set of 50
  • 1914 Beauties in Picture Hats by Scissors Cigarettes Wills – Set of 32
  • Other series not hat related but featuring a few hats