About the HatGuide.co.uk
The HatGuide.co.uk is a UK-based website established in 2011 by Neil Rigby with the aim to provide information about all types of popular hats and headgear in a fun and educational way.
You may want to know the name of a type of hat, buy a hat online, know someone famous who wears a particular hat or want to get a hat for a particular look for a fancy dress party – hope you can find it here and if not get in touch!
Whatever it is, if it’s about hats we hope to show it eventually on this website.
So that’s where you can help…
This website is an evolving resource and therefore we welcome you to suggest hats to be included and make comments about any of the hats featured.
Please note that all comments are moderated and all irrelevant and off theme comments are simply deleted, so please don’t waste both yours and our time.
Looking to advertise?
If you’ve found us you won’t be the only one! Our visitors may be looking for what you sell – we offer very reasonable rates to advertise on the Hat Guide, so get in early and attract business!
If you want to contribute or help support the website with advertising, please visit our advertising page.
Neil Rigby
The Hat Guide Team